Alameda Multi Family Service


Publications & Resources

General Outreach

The following outreach materials were designed to help tenants and managers of Multi-Family complexes to make the most of available programs and services. Print them from your own printer or order hard copies. Contact us to request hard copies.




What happens to my organics? Alameda: A Clean Town

















Billing Inserts






StopWaste.Org Outreach

StopWaste.Org works with the City of Alameda and all other cities within Alameda County to provide updated recycling, reuse and purchasing outreach materials and programs. Select materials are listed among the Helpful Links below. To see all available materials and order hard copies, visit www.StopWaste.Org.

Helpful Links

General Waste Reduction, Reuse & Recycling Information

Resources for Businesses and Multi-Family Properties

Housing Safety Program

Mail Reduction

Donation / Reuse

Gardening & Composting

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) / Electronic Waste

Green Building

Student/Teacher Resources

Green Businesses