Resource List for Teachers in Castro Valley
Compiled by ACI
StopWaste.Org (Alameda Waste Management Authority)— Contact or 510/891-6500 Offers the following free to public schools: • Field trips for 4th grade classes to the irecycle@school Education Center in San Leandro • Student Action Projects, curriculum and videos • Sheet mulching projects for fifth and sixth grade classes • Green school operations and maintenance support
CalRecycle— Services for teachers and administrators including curriculum, program models and more.
Altamont Education Advisory Board— Grant funding for programs that promote waste prevention and recycling.
Earth 911— Find recycling centers and learn recycling basics.
The Story of Stuff Project— Includes curriculum, short films, and other resources to promote sustainable living.
PBS Kids Loop Scoops— Videos to get you thinking about the stuff in your life.
Bag It— A documentary about plastic bags and their effect on waterways, oceans, and even our bodies.
Bring Your Own Bag Campaign— Why reusable bags are better than paper OR plastic.
Junk Mail Reduction Campaign— and Recycling junk mail is good, but it’s even better to stop getting it.
Go Green Initiative— Training tools to create a “culture of conservation” in your community.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency— Homework resources, ideas for school projects, lesson plans, games and quizzes.
Waste-Free Lunches— Information to start or participate in a waste-free lunch program.
School Yard Clean Ups—