Single Family Residential Collection Program – Courtesy Notice
A courtesy notice is a friendly reminder for you to help us collect your Recycling, Organics, and Garbage, safely and more efficiently. If you received a Courtesy Notice, your containers have been serviced, please take note of the indicated item marked on your tag for your next collection day. Thank you!
(To see this information in another language, please click on the translate button above our logo in the upper left-hand corner of the page.)
- Set out your carts no later than 6am on your collection day.
Residential collection is provided Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Exception: Canyonlands service begins at 5:00 a.m. Please have carts curbside before then. Remove your carts following service. Carts may not be left out for more than 24 hours.
- Avoid placing your carts under low-hanging tree branches, basketball hoops and other items that can obstruct the automated arm of the truck.
- Place your carts 5 feet away from vehicle(s) and other obstructions. Please note the proper set out in the image above.
- Place your cart wheels against the curb where applicable.
Remember to place cart wheels 6”-8” away from curb on rain days.
- Place your carts 2-3 feet apart when possible.
- Do not overload your carts. Cart lids must close. This helps prevent litter and critter activity (such as crows and raccoons). Overage fees may apply to overflowing carts. Need more room? Contact us to discuss proper cart sizing options.
- Place used motor oil/cooking oil jugs and oil filter bags on the curb (not in the gutter) to prevent spills. Contact us for free oil jugs and filter bags.
- Please place household batteries in a zipper-lock style bag and place on top of (not inside) your blue recycling cart for collection. Tape the terminals on 9-volt batteries. Household batteries are considered hazardous waste and require special handling (SEE INSTRUCTIONS LISTED ABOVE). Please do not place batteries INSIDE your collection container. If batteries are found inside your container, it will not be serviced. See Contamination – Household Hazardous Waste listing below.
- Extra Garbage needs an “Extra Service Tag”.
Contact us to purchase an Extra Service Tag.
- Paper Garden Bags may be purchased for extra plant debris.
Contact us to purchase a Paper Garden Bag. Only ACI bags are accepted.
- Please flatten and cut extra cardboard into pieces 4’ x 4’ or smaller. Place next to your blue recycling cart for collection.
Need more room for your Recyclables? Contact us to upsize to a 96-gallon cart or add another recycling cart at no additional charge.
- Contamination found in cart.
AVOID A CONTAMINATION FEE: if more than three courtesy contamination notices are issued within a 12-month period, a fee is incurred.
Proper Sorting Makes a Difference!
-Recycling/Organics in Garbage
-Organics/Garbage in Recycling
-Recycling/Garbage in Organics
-Household Hazardous Waste
PLEASE NOTE: your container will not be serviced if Hazardous waste is found. Remove the hazardous waste and contact us to arrange collection of your container.
Please visit www.StopWaste.org/hhw, or call: 800-606-6606 for more information about how to properly dispose of hazardous waste.