Household Hazardous & E-Waste Program Info
Hazardous waste can’t be thrown out with the garbage, recycling or organics. Before tossing it out, check the label. If it’s marked Danger, Warning, Poisonous, Toxic, or Flammable, it’s hazardous and requires special handling.
Many hazardous items can be taken to Alameda County’s local household hazardous waste collection facility. Take advantage of this free drop-off program! Visit www.StopWaste.Org/hhw for location, hours and more detailed information.
The County accepts the following hazardous items:
- Pesticides
- Household & automotive batteries
- Fertilizers
- Pool & Photo chemicals
- Paint/varnish
- Toxic cleaning products
- Mercury-containing items (thermometers & fluorescent lamps for example)
- Medications (Note that the Alameda Police Department also has a disposal bin for expired and unused medication. Please click here for details about the medication disposal program.)
- Sharps/Needles (must be properly contained).
- E-Waste
Please also note:
- Household batteries and fluorescent lamps may be dropped off at the local ACI office. Refer to our contact page for location and hours.
- Used motor oil and filters may be taken to a number of certified recyclers. Click here to find one near you.