Online Bill Pay / Paperless Billing
Save paper & postage! Sign up for paperless billing & communication in 2 easy steps. Follow each step and you’re on your way.
Step 1. Sign Up to Receive invoices & communication electronically.
- To sign up, choose paperless billing from the drop-down menu on our contact us page.
- Be sure to provide your name, account number, service address, daytime phone number and email address.
- When you sign up for this option, we will automatically send all invoices & communication via email.
Step 2. Choose a Payment Method.
You have 4 options here. Simply choose the one that works best for you.
- Pay by Logging into your account on our website. Logging in is safe and easy. Once in, you can make payments, review your service days and levels, request additional services, and more.
- Pay by Logging into to your bank’s web site.
- Pay via automatic transactions direct from your bank account. Simply download the Direct Payment Authorization Form and follow the instructions.
- Pay via automatic credit card. Simply download the Authorization for Recurring Credit Card Payment Form and follow the instructions.
- If a change is made to the credit card or bank account you utilize for payment, please notify us immediately.
- If payment is not received in a timely manner, notice will be sent via regular mail.