Household Hazardous & E-Waste Program Info
Hazardous waste can’t be thrown out with the garbage, recycling or organics. Before tossing it out, check the label. If it’s marked Danger, Warning, Poisonous, Toxic, or Flammable, it’s hazardous and requires special handling.
Please take hazardous items to one of the County’s free drop-off facilities. Visit www.StopWaste.Org/hhw for information.
The County accepts the following:
- Pesticides
- Automotive batteries and fluids
- Fertilizers
- Pool chemicals
- Photo chemicals
- Paint/varnish
- Toxic cleaning products
- Mercury-containing items (thermometers & fluorescent lamps for example)
- Medications (click here for additional information and safe disposal sites)
- Sharps/Needles(must be properly contained). Please click here for details.
ACI offers curbside collection of used motor oil and filters, and of household batteries. the handling instructions below:
- Motor oil: Used motor oil and oil filters are collected on your day of service. Set jugs and filters next to the carts, NOT INSIDE. Free jugs and oil filter bags may
be requested from ACI or you may use your own 1-gallon, screw top container. Be sure the top can be securely closed. Limit of 2 jugs of oil per pickup. No other automotive liquids. Do not mix oil with other fluids. Limit of 2 jugs of oil per pickup. Oil filters must be contained in clear zipper-lock bags.
- Household batteries should be placed inside a clear zipper-locked bag and placed on top of your blue cart on collection day. We’ll collect alkaline and pile lithium batteries including A, AA, AAA, C, D, 6-volt, 9-volt, rechargeable, camera, watch, hearing aid, calculator and similar. Please put a piece of tape over the positive terminal on all batteries before placing in a bag. Household batteries may also be dropped off at the ACI office. Refer to our contact page for location and hours.
How do I dispose of e-waste?
Electronics need special handling. You can properly dispose of a limited amount of e-waste through the Clean Up Program. You may also take e-waste to the County drop-off. Click here for county e-waste drop off details.