Currently, scheduled collection services are not affected.
Please check back here for any updates or changes to this schedule.
As an essential service, the employees at Alameda County Industries (ACI) will continue to work to provide the collection and processing of garbage, recyclables and organics for the jurisdictions and districts we serve. As we navigate this challenging time, help us continue to provide safe and efficient services. Thank you for your efforts.
KEEP OUR DRIVERS SAFE: properly sort your materials, make sure your container lids close to prevent overflow and litter, bag waste that may have bodily fluids on it and place in the gray garbage containers.
KEEP OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE AND BILLING STAFF SAFE, — USE OUR WEBSITE TO: contact us, fill out service forms, get collection schedule information, set up or use your online account (select the red “Account login” button) to pay your bill, and more.
KEEP OUR NON-DRIVER STAFF SAFE: site visits shall be limited to essential purposes only (for example, following up on a safety issue). Site audits and instructional site visits and similar where non-essential interaction with customer staff or other members of the public is required are suspended until further notice.
All events have been suspended until further notice. Please check with your city or district for further information.
We will continue to “roll on” to support our customers. Together we can stay safe and get through this!
You Can Help Protect Our Employees
Please have your containers ready for service between the hours of 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. on your regular collection day. If your containers are not serviced on their regularly scheduled day, we will return on the next service day. For health and safety, please make sure your collection containers lids close and bag all bathroom waste and any products containing bodily fluids and place in the garbage container.
The ACI offices are closed to the public. Our customer service representatives are available to assist you via phone, email, or the Contact Us feature of this website. Stay safe and thank you for your patience and understanding.
We encourage you to use/create an online account to make payments or make service changes. Click here to access or create an account.
Site visits by ACI non-driver staff shall be limited to essential purposes only (for example, following up on a safety issue). Site audits and instructional site visits and similar where non-essential interaction with customer staff or other members of the public is required are suspended until further notice.
Commercial container changes will be limited for the near-term, but we will honor service changes on the customer’s account.
Contact us if you experience any service issues.
Click here for Alameda County updates, information, and guidance on COVID-19.
Visit the CDC resources and information.
FAQ’s in regards to COVID-19
- Is the garbage service going to continue as normal during the SIP?
- Unless ACI’s workforce is directly affected by COVID-19 exposure, garbage service is expected to continue as normal.
- Can I stop service provided by ACI?
- Weekly garbage service is required by State and local ordinance for occupied residences and businesses in order to maintain public health and safety.
- Our residence is generating more material (recycling, organics, garbage) now that we’re sheltering in place. Can I put bags of extra material next to my carts for removal?
- Please help keep our workforce safe by placing all materials within your cart or bin in order to minimize unnecessary contact with materials. If possible, please hold extra materials and place in your cart or bin for the next service day. You may request extra bags or tags by calling or emailing ACI’s customer service department:
- Alameda and CVSan: 510-483-1400
- San Leandro: 510-357-7282
- San Ramon: 925-380-9480
- Email: Contact Us
- I’m a business that is deemed “not essential” by the County’s Health Officer and now temporarily closed. Do I need to have service provided by ACI and/or pay my bill for past services provided by ACI?
- You may temporarily suspend service if your business closed. Please contact ACI by phone or email to make service level adjustments. You are responsible for paying for services provided by ACI.
- I’m a business that is deemed “essential” by the County’s Health Officer and still open but need to reduce service. How can I make this adjustment?
- You may contact ACI by phone or email to adjust your service level.
- What happens if ACI doesn’t have enough drivers to provide service?
- In the event ACI’s workforce is directly affected by COVID-19 exposure and reduced in number, then ACI will continue providing collection service by prioritizing materials collected. Organics and garbage have the highest priority for weekly collection from residents and essential businesses. Recycling has secondary priority for weekly collection from residents and essential businesses.
- Can I still schedule bulky-item pickups?
- Yes, bulky-item collection appointments are still being accepted at this time.
- Can I still request extra debris boxes?
- Yes, debris box services continue at this time.
- If my cart breaks, can I still get it replaced?
- Yes, cart (and bin) replacement services are available at this time.
- What can I do with e-waste – the normal drop off places are closed?
- ACI will collect e-waste as part of a bulky-item service at this time.
- What should I do with human waste, if I can’t flush it down the toilet – what cart does it go in?
- Human waste or something other than toilet paper used to aid in the disposal of human waste must be fully contained (bagged, etc.) and sealed, tied or rolled closed. The contained item must be placed in the grey garbage cart or bin. Do not place the contained item in the blue recycling or green organics carts or bins and do not place the contained item next to a cart or bin.
- If there is any interruption in service, is my bill going to be reduced?
- ACI will work with local jurisdictions to establish policy on billing/payment in the event there are any disruptions in service due to COVID-19.