San Leandro Multi Family Service

San Leandro

Household Hazardous & E-Waste Program Info

Household Hazardous Waste Has Its Place… And it’s not inside any ACI collection bin.

Hazardous waste can’t be thrown out with the garbage, recycling or organics. Before tossing it out, check the label. If it’s marked Danger, Warning, Poisonous, Toxic, or Flammable, it’s hazardous and requires special handling.

Many hazardous items can be taken to Alameda County’s local household hazardous waste collection facility. Take advantage of this free drop-off program! Visit www.StopWaste.Org/hhw for location, hours and more detailed information.

StopWaste accepts the following Hazardous items:Hazardous Household Waste


Please review the handling instructions below:

  • Household batteries may be dropped off at ACI’s office. Refer to our contact page for location and hours.